Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Mini-Project 1

The Natural Resources Defense Council has over one million members. Of these members, a couple hundred are lawyers. Some are scientists and others, professionals. Some are everyday citizens/residents like many of us, who decided to finally take a stand in a far from selfish act, to preserve another form of nature's living environment. The National Resource Defense Council takes this stand and an oath of protecting the earth. In their mission statement, they advise readers, "The National Resource Defense Council's purpose is to safeguard the earth: its people, its plants and animals and the natural systems on which all life depends" (National Resources Defense Council [NRDC], n.d.).

Their main goal is to protect the environment through additions of laws. They also fight for amendments in pre-existing laws. This grants protection of the environment in this generation and generations to come.

The Natural Resources Defense Council works in a variety of ways to combat a variety of issues that our environment faces. Their attempts have not been wasted. In fact, they have succeeded in many ways. Currently, the Natural Resources Defense Council has six important priorities: 1) Curbing Global Warming 2) Moving America Beyond Oil 3) Saving Wildlands Across the Americas 4) Reviving our Oceans 5) Stemming the Tide of Toxic Chemical 6) Speeding the Greening of China.

The Natural Resources Defense Council is devoted to not just taking a stand on one issue that affects both human life, and nature, but, taking a stand for six different issues that our environment faces. They also take a stand in adapting laws that will help lessen their issues. Without organizations like these, issues will only worsen with the progression of time. Ultimately, survival for all living organisms will be much more difficult. The Natural Resources Defense Council combats a diversity of issues and it is no wonder why The New York Times calls them "one of the nation's most powerful environmental groups", and I would be greatly honored to join this organization (National Resources Defense Council [NRDC], n.d.).

National Resources Defense Council.(n.d.) Retrieved August 30, 2008, from

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